Home Alone 2

No sooner had I sat down and updated everything when the bug bit and I finally legitimised my blog and splashing out some cash on a premium contract. Added a gallery and updated some of the info. And while I was updating my gallery/Slideshow I realised that in all my travels I have lost so many items.

I’m mainly talking photos for here but I was also updating my showreel and realising that I don’t have all the video tapes or the hard drives I have saved all my work on. Its all probably sitting in storage in a garage in Cambridge England where our quarter container of stuff is residing while we decide what we are doing with our lives. (I have an opportunity here to say Fuck BREXIT but I won’t.)

And so when someone asks me what experience do I have in Music Videos, I can point them to the 4 I have on my website or the 3 corporate video clips, or the 3 documentary clips. TV Drama is a different story as at the moment that is all I’m cutting but it felt a little empty not being able to access some of the stuff I have done over the years.

The thing is though that I have moved on and got better at doing what I do and would probably cringe at what I was doing 2 years ago, but still, it would be nice.

Keep Calm and cut Avatar


Peace Love and Vomit